Psychiatric Services, Individual Therapy Outpatient Services In Irvine, Yorba Linda CA, and Chatham, New Jersey

a. Psychiatric Services
Approved programs designed to assist recovery and manage mental illnesses. A comprehensive psychiatric evaluation/assessment may result in a medical, herbal, or vitamin regimen.

b. Individual Therapy
Within the confines of a safe, caring, and confidential environment, children and adolescents work one-on-one with a trained clinician to explore their feelings, beliefs, and behaviors. Clinicians work with clients to identify maladaptive patterns of thinking and behaviors, set personal goals, and work toward adaptive change.

c. Family Therapy
Licensed clinicians work with families to identify dysfunctional patterns of communication and relating, implement structure, and set consistent limits within the home. There is an emphasis on increasing positive interaction between family members and creating peace and harmony within the home.

d. Group Therapy
Our group therapies foster emotional growth and problem-solving skills by utilizing the influence of peers with the guidance of a licensed therapist. Group members often watch others cope with and overcome similar problems successfully, instilling hope and inspiration. Our groups increase emotional stability, cognitive restructuring, and modeling behavioral change. Groups inspire feelings of acceptance, importance, and empathy and offer the unique opportunity to help others. Clients are encouraged to provide feedback about the appropriateness of other group members’ behaviors. The directness and honesty the feedback offers provide much-needed behavioral contracting and correction, thus improving relationships both within and outside the group.

A yellow apple sitting on top of a table.