Spring Nature Lessons

Spring break offers a chance to learn mindful lessons from nature.

Spring break is just around the corner. It’s the perfect time to take a break from our daily routines and rejuvenate. While some may choose to travel or engage in thrilling activities, spending time in nature and learning mindful lessons from it is another option worth considering.

Nature has a way of teaching us valuable lessons — if we take the time to observe and reflect. Here are some mindful lessons we can learn from nature during our spring break:

  1. Embrace the beauty of imperfection. In nature, nothing is perfect, yet everything is beautiful. The asymmetrical patterns of flowers, the ruggedness of mountains and the uniqueness of each tree teach us that imperfections can be sources of beauty. As we spend time in nature, let’s learn to embrace our imperfections and appreciate the beauty of our individuality. Sitting under a tree and focusing on the space between the leaves can expand one’s perspective.

  2. Practice patience. Nature operates on its own timeline. Seeds take time to sprout, flowers take time to bloom and rivers take time to carve their paths. By observing the patience of nature, we can learn to cultivate patience within ourselves. Let’s use this spring break to slow down, be present in the moment and practice patience. A walking meditation is one way to slow down as we listen to sounds around us.

  3. Find balance. Nature demonstrates the importance of balance. From the delicate balance of ecosystems to the rhythmic cycles of day and night, nature reminds us that finding balance is essential for our well-being. During spring break, let’s take the opportunity to reflect on our own lives and seek a better balance between work, school, rest and play. With your child, focus on looking at a point of interest in the distance (could be a plant or a tree, for example), stand on one leg and keep staring at the focal point. How long can they balance this way?

  4. Stay adaptable. Nature is constantly evolving and adapting to its surroundings. Trees sway with the wind, animals change their behavior to survive and plants adjust to different climates. Observing nature’s adaptability allows us to be more flexible and open to change. Let’s use this spring break to embrace new experiences and adapt to different situations with grace and resilience. Play a wonder game — asking questions helps feed curiosity and curious kids and parents are more adaptable to change.

  5. Be grateful for the simple things. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often overlook the simple wonders of nature. The warmth of the sun, the sound of birds chirping and the beauty of a blooming flower are all gifts that nature offers us. Let’s use this spring break to cultivate gratitude for the simple things and find joy in the present moment.

Spring break offers a precious opportunity to learn mindful lessons from nature. By immersing ourselves in the beauty and wonder of the natural world, we can cultivate presence, embrace change, find balance, cultivate gratitude and engage in mindful outdoor activities. These lessons not only enhance our spring break experience but also have the potential to transform our daily lives. This spring break, let nature be your guide to mindfulness and rejuvenation. By immersing ourselves in nature and learning from its lessons, we can return from spring break with a renewed sense of mindfulness and appreciation for the world around us.

Anthony Cupo is a trained mindfulness facilitator (TMF) from the UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior. He is a co-owner of Stepping Forward Counseling Center, LLC, and has been meditating for over 30 years.

Dakota X

DAKOTA X (b. Boston, 1961) is a Contemporary American Painter. X's artistic work examines the complexities of individual experience particularly in its relation to home, gender identity, isolation and memory. X is a recipient of the Orlowsky Freed Foundation Grant and a finalist in the shortlist for the 2018 BP Portrait Award, National Portrait Gallery, London.


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