Therapeutic Summer C.A.M.P. 2025
for Kids and Teens
Clinically Advanced
Multi-Modality Program (C.A.M.P)
Open to clients residing in New Jersey, Southern California, and worldwide.
Join us for a summer of sun, fun, and friends at our inclusive Summer C.A.M.P. (Clinically Advanced Multi-Modality Program). Our C.A.M.P. is designed by our staff to accomplish goals in environments where our clients can have the most fun. Our clients conquer fears, build confidence and self-esteem, and develop an enthusiasm for life while learning social and emotional skills.
Each summer program runs for 9-11 weeks where we ask our clients to commit to at least 3 consecutive weeks minimum for results.
Each camper has 7 objectives: 4 group goals and 3 individual goals. The campers are assessed on their performance on these 7 objectives throughout the three or four environments the individual engages in each day. The objectives can be but are not limited to, increasing impulse control, cooperating with peers, adapting to losing, concentrating or staying on task, sharing with others, and the art of conversation.
SFCC uses a behavioral program to replace ineffective, inappropriate behaviors with positive and effective behaviors. Because the camp environments are similar to the camper’s natural environments, it is very likely that the behaviors taught at SFCC will generalize to the individual’s natural settings (home, school, etc.).
Chatham, NJ C.A.M.P.
June 23 - August 22, 2025
Southern, CA C.A.M.P.
June 9 - August 22, 2025
FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 10am - 1pm
Learn More about SFCC’s Therapeutic Summer C.A.M.P
Come visit our Summer C.A.M.P. Open House !
Behavior modification, Token Economy, Modeling and Rehearsal Training, Individual Behavior Therapy, Psychiatric Consultation and rehearsal training, individual behavior therapy, psychiatric consultation and therapy, social and rehearsal training, individual behavior therapy, psychiatric consultation and therapy, social and emotional skill training, ABA
Summer C.A.M.P. staff members are hand-selected professionals that are licensed clinical staff, master-level interns, Special Education Teachers, Ph.D.'s, or Recreation Therapist.
The data proves it works!
The base of the program is the same as in all our programs: data-driven and evidence-based treatment.
Stepping Forward Summer Camps are ideal for children and young adults ages four and up with mild to moderate learning, emotional, and behavioral difficulties. From horseback riding, sports, yoga, kickboxing, art therapy, therapeutic drama, and much more, our summer camp is filled with nothing but good-for-the-soul fun.
Our clients improve in the areas of:
Social behavior
Rule following
Friendship skills
Home behavior
Academic competence
Anger control
Problem-solving skills
Our Goal
The ultimate goal of our Summer C.A.M.P. is to teach our clients everyday life skills, such as mindfulness, attention to tasks, motor skills, teamwork, expression of emotion, cognitive skills, social interactions, positive self-image, and so much more.
SFCC Summer C.A.M.P Activities
Find your inner core in our Yoga program. Relax, concentrate, and learn breathing techniques while connecting your body and mind. Filter out the stresses of the day through focused awareness. Center yourself while increasing balance and flexibility.
Sport Activities
Learn social skills, make friends, and have fun! Therapeutic Doc’s Jocs Sports & Social Skills Play baseball, basketball, flag football, soccer, golf, and tennis in our therapeutic sports program.
Created by Director Dr. Henry Kandel, a Sports Psychologist, this unique non-competitive program has been praised by the former Governor of Georgia as well as the Executive Director of the National Little League Association.
Proven effective in professional journals, Doc’s Jocs promotes positive self-image, attention to task, impulse control, and cognitive and motor skills while reducing shyness, hyperactivity, and aggressive behavior. Your child will learn to be a good sport in this supportive, rewarding environment! It’s all about friends and fun.
Let go of your inhibitions in our Drama program. Therapeutic Drama is helpful in building social skills, trust, expression of emotion, and teamwork. It creates an environment where children can role-play new behaviors and receive immediate feedback from peers and counselors.
Arts & Crafts
Find your creative self in our Arts & Crafts program. Art creation breaks down barriers that often exist in face-to-face communication. While children focus on their artwork, they feel free to share their feelings. Art expression is an opportunity for success and achievement, which often builds confidence and self-esteem.
Camp Out/Team-Building
Build team spirit during team-building overnight experiences. Team competitions and other activities build feelings of unity. Team building, cooperation skills, turn-taking, compromising, and developing positive relationships are just a few of the skills learned.
Therapeutic Sports & Social Skills Day Camp
Achieve goals, conquer fears, build confidence and self-esteem. Develop an enthusiasm for life while learning social and emotional skills that will last a lifetime. Campers bring brown-bag lunches. Water, fruit and healthy snacks are provided throughout the day!
Sleep Away Programs
Sleep-a-way Youth programs are committed to offering quality experiential learning and fun programs to all income families and at-risk youth populations. Our programs are based on a non-competitive philosophy geared toward fostering the individuality of each child. Our goals include empowering young people and teaching them skills they need to make positive choices by working to improve self-esteem, and social skills, as well as develop leadership qualities.
Cool down after a day of camp activities with our swim program. Recreational and instructional swimming teaches techniques and how to play cooperatively while enjoying the freedom of fluid body movement through swim play.
Field Trips
Weekly field trips are built to help the skills that are learned at camp generalize to the community. We bring adventure and culture to your children on our exciting, weekly trips.
Water Parks
Amusement Parks
Boat Trips
National Parks
And lots more!
Academic Programs
Reinforce your child’s academic needs with individualized programs. A certified teacher collaborates with your child’s school, creating a program that will prepare him/her for academic success.
Kickboxing/Martial Arts
Practice self-control in a consistent and highly structured environment that strengthens neural networks in the brain. Have fun while developing coordination and building strength. Master your mind.
Horseback Riding Program
Experience the joy of our horseback riding program led by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Studies have found that horses can facilitate relaxation, bonding, and self-awareness. In addition, working with animals teaches responsibility, unconditional love and care, which enhances friendships and relationships in the real world.