Child Therapy Psychologists in Chatham, New Jersey

A chalk drawing of a human head with crayons.

Children and young adults struggling with emotional and mental health issues require professional counseling services designed to address the unique needs of children and adolescents. Stepping Forward Counseling Center (SFCC) in Chatham provides exactly what challenged kids diagnosed with bipolar disorder, ADHD/ADD, depression, conduct disorder, and other neurobiological disorders. In addition to all of our mental health interventions and programs, SFCC also offers summer camps, a C.A.M.P. Clinically Advanced Multi-modality program and individual/group programs managed by compassionate, experienced mental health professionals who are experts in evaluating, diagnosing, and treating mental and emotional problems affecting children and young adults.

Individualized Mental Health Programs in Chatham for Children

We all experience stress and uncertainty in our lives, but children are more susceptible to unsettling events. While it is normal for children to be fearful occasionally, have nightmares, or exhibit defiant behavior, it may be time for parents to seek help if these behaviors do not improve or disappear after several weeks.

SFCC offers a wide range of effective mental health programs in Chatham that are individualized and developed specially to address the needs of each child. We also implement therapeutic treatment and educational programs that are results-driven, culturally competent, and based on the latest insights regarding mental health issues affecting children, adolescents, and young adults.

Some programs, such as the Stepping Forward Counseling Center, offer Autism “ABA, interventions,” school social Skills, psychiatrist outpatient services, parent/family therapy, and creative art therapy programs. The success rates of our programs are consistently high because the fundamentals of evidence-based modalities and strategies have been incorporated into them. Children participating in one or more of our programs consistently show significant improvement in social skills, managing anger, self-esteem, following rules, and solving problems.

Our programs, while compassionate and client-centered, are intense and specifically designed to target a child’s immediate needs. Our counselors also conduct performance tracking to determine the level of therapy a child needs. Professional therapists will get involved in all aspects of a child’s life to facilitate building a trusting relationship with the child, his or her parents, school psychologists, and teachers.

A room with a sun and clouds painted on the wall.
A room with tables and chairs in it
A classroom with tables and chairs in it
A room with a counter and some lights on

Contact Stepping Forward Counseling Center today to speak to a caring staff member who can assist you with getting the help you want for your child or teenager.

Call Stepping Forward Counseling Center Today!

Child Therapy Psychologists Irvine, California

A building with glass windows and palm trees in the background.

Top Mental Health Services for Children in Irvine
Two of a person’s most challenging life stages are childhood and adolescence. During this time, children and teens undergo tremendous physical, emotional, and cognitive changes involving the production of hormones and neurotransmitters responsible for these changes. At Stepping Forward Counseling Center in Irvine, we understand that many children experience bumps and hurdles as they grow and mature and may need extra help with managing behaviors and emotions they do not understand.

SFCC is a leading mental health organization providing safe spaces and professional, compassionate therapy for children and adolescents with mental health issues. We develop individualized treatment programs for children diagnosed with depression, anxiety, conduct disorder, bipolar disorder, emotional problems, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and ADHD/ADD. Our Stepping Forward Therapeutic Summer Camp – C.A.M.P Clinically Advanced Multi-modality Program is very popular with our clients who enjoy being with peers and sharing similar very popular with our clients who enjoy being with peers and sharing similar experiences.

Irvine Counseling Center for Children Offers Evidence-Based Therapies

Psychotherapeutic and holistic therapies are effective for helping children and adolescents cope with emotional or mental health problems. Our compassionate and experienced counselors educate and teach clients how:

  • Thoughts influence their perception of reality
  • Past trauma can be assimilated and managed using coping and stress-reducing techniques
  • Improving communication and problem-solving skills contributes to treatment success
  • To understand why they feel the way they do

Our Irvine counselors will also guide clients through the process of fully realizing they already possess the ability to achieve any goal they set for themselves in the present and in the future.

A room with two tables and plants in it
A room with two doors and a desk in it
A living room with blue couches and a chair
A room with many tables and chairs in it

Individualized Therapy for Children in Irvine

If your child is suffering, we understand parents are suffering as well. That is why we include parents in developing a therapy program specifically addressing their child’s mental and emotional needs. Please don’t hesitate to call us for help. We are here to provide immediate, professional assistance for parents who are overwhelmed and don’t know what to do.

A business card for stepping forward counseling center.
A room with many tables and chairs in it

Mental Health Services for Children in Yorba Linda

Stepping Forward Counseling Center (SFCC) is a leading mental health organization specifically intended for children and adolescents with mental and emotional problems. Our compassionate, experienced counselors use evidence-based practices to treat kids suffering from anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, conduct disorder, and many other mental health problems commonly impacting a child’s life. Our evidence-based approach involves compassionate therapists drawing on practical experience, theory, research, and acknowledgment of a child’s perspective to develop an effective, personalized treatment plan.

Yorba Linda Counseling for Children and Adolescence with Depression

For kids with bipolar disorder and depressive disorders, SFCC counselors employ cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to help children identify and change negative thinking patterns and behaviors that may be contributing to their behavior issues. Older adolescents with major depression or bipolar disorder often benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy or dialectal behavior therapy (DBT), which teaches kids to accept and cope with negative thought patterns instead of ruminating on them.

Our Yorba Linda treatment programs for children suffering from depression and anxiety focus on discovering the reasons for their depression by exploring all aspects of a child’s life, including input from parents and teachers. Programs such as family therapy, Individual CBT, DBT, Mindfulness, afterschool social skills programs, Saturday Leadership, early intervention, psychiatrist outpatient services, autism “ABA” programs, and creative art therapy programs have been proven to significantly contribute to helping children and adolescents regain control of their emotions, behaviors, and relationships with family members and peers.

If your child is exhibiting angry, depressive, defiant, or anxious behavior, and you want caring, professional help, please call Stepping Forward Counseling Center today to talk to someone who understands what you are going through. They will schedule an appointment with one of our counselors to start the process of restoring peace of mind for you and your child using evidence-based counseling techniques and holistic therapies.

A hallway with a wall of plants and a red toilet.
A business card for stepping forward counseling center.
A yellow apple sitting on top of a table.